Our Information Gallery
These are information Resources we recommend for UVC SAFETY & KNOWLEDGE
& to learn about our products.
* General Information
* UV-C Can't Produce Ozone
* Causes of UV-C Odors
* Influenza & UV Light
* Product Information
* 25-Watt 18 inch. UVC Fixture Light - Medium Duty.
* 55-Watt 36 inch. UVC Fixture Medium - Heavy Duty.
* 110-Watt 36 inch. Dual-Tube Heavy Duty - Heavy Duty.
* 250-Watt 18 inch. Rotary Ten-Tube Gatlin Tower - Commercial Duty (Beta Testing).
* 550-Watt 36 inch. Rotary Ten-Tube Gatlin Tower - Commercial Duty (Beta Testing).
* 1.65-KW 36 inch. 30-Tube Rotary Tower Gatlin (2) Stack Umbrella - Medical Duty (Development).
( Design Limit - Configurable to 3.6-KW)
(NOTE: Patents Pending)
* Dosage Information
* Dosage Calculator - 1
* Future
* Safety Information
* UV-C Safety Tips
* UV-C Safety Tips
* Future